5km summer series
Sun, 25 Feb
Free public 5km fun run/walk

Time & Location
25 Feb 2024, 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Masterton, Lansdowne, Masterton 5810, New Zealand
About the event
Run/walk the same 5km course each fortnight (2km course also available)
9:00am mass start (registration from 8.30 for new particpants) from the ACM club rooms at the Sports Bowl, Blair St Masterton.
Early start at 8:45am for those needing extra time.
The series is free - everyone is welcome.
Course maps and description here
$50 spot prize drawn during a shared morning tea after everyone has finished.
Two $100 spot prizes drawn from those who attend at least 6 of the 8 events.
A huge thank you to our sponsors
Wairarapa Times Age
Derek Graham Fencing
Northco Insurance Brokers
TBI Health
Learning Support
Quiz Master
Vet Clinic
Taylors Electical
PGG Wrightson
Fisher Windows